Thursday, 30 September 2010

Helluva week...

Quite a week, and not in a good way. On Tuesday, I sat down in 'the mother ship' and noticed smoke rising from down the side of it - the heatpad for my back was on fire! Luckily I spotted it before it caught properly, but it scared the living shit out of me.

Then yesterday, I got out of the car to go across the carpark into a pub - only a few yards, so didn't seem necessary to take my stick, but as I walked away, the pain exploded. Had nothing to lean on, so tried to get back in the car in a hurry because in so much pain couldn't stand up. Wrenched the door open at the same time as falling into the car - and split my lip wide open on the top of the door. Blood everywhere, nearly knocked myself out, and have no idea how I didn't lose a tooth, Face all swollen today, can hardly speak or eat, certainly can't smile, but then again, have no desire to.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Unadulterated-smugness alert

OK peeps, I'm about to blow my own trumpet, so if you want to avoid this shameless display of smugness, look away now...

Had my first tutorial with meditation teacher, and apparently I've done extremely well for a newbie. She was very surprised at a) the things I've achieved and b) the things I've worked out as a result. She kept starting to explain something, then I'd agree with her, and point out the next step (that I'm not supposed to know about yet).

Feeling very pleased with myself...

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Meditation can replace morphine...

Terrible, terrible back pain today - was looking like a morphine day from the very start. Used the meditation stuff though, and managed to ease it that way. Had to keep repeating it through the day, and eventually had to take a pill at night for shoulder pain, which the meditation couldn't touch, but massively delayed having to take it and meant only one required, and only a couple of hours of SEs - result.

Friday, 17 September 2010

Meditation is...


And you can get some really wierd reactions - my first full session left me with an evil, asthmatic-y cough. The session was very relaxing at the time - I didn't actually want to stop - but when I got up at the end, the coughing started, to the point of retching. 24 hours later, I'm still coughing...

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Latest discoveries...

* hot and humid air eases the back pain and neck pressure - all I need now is my own private steam room.
* when my shoulder feels like it's dislocating, doc says it probably is. Sling helps, but can upset back.
* swimming is possible, in very warm water, and with a swimming noodle. Looking for suitable pools in the arera.
* my mattress makes my back worse - ordered a new one, but the shop doesn't seem to understand that when they receive payment they're supposed to DELIVER THE POXY GOODS!

I've also just started a pain meditation course. First session did not go well - full on panic attack and had to stop - but I shall persevere.