Friday, 4 November 2011


The book linking chronic pain to childhood trauma also talked a lot about bloodflow.

It said that one of the ways the body manifests the emotional trauma as physical is by reducing blood flow, so you get physical symptoms, like pain or neck pressure.

I'm wondering if:
a) the reason the pain is so different with the sling on and my arm in traction is that bloodflow to the joint is improved? If that's the case - and I suspect it is - then maybe extended use will have the cumulative effect I was thinking about the other day.
b) the reason for all the heat and redness in my arm tonight (and I have seen it before in recent days) is because there's suddenly lots more blood floating around?

This could also be contributing to the reduction in neck pressure - maybe it's not just about the trapped nerves.

It all suggests that continuing to try it is even more important.

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