Thursday, 1 December 2011

New therapist

Saw a potential new therapist today.

I have been forced into finding a new one, by my psychologist refusing to offer me any more than three more appointments, and admitting she would kick me to the kerb regardless of my mental state at the end of those three sessions. (We had a huge row about it that took up the entirety of my last appointment.)

The new woman seems very good. She came across as very approachable and a good listener. Vitally, she has experience working with victims of abuse, people who have repressed anger, and those suffering from somatic illness (i.e. physical illness rooted in psychological trauma). She said it's unsurprising I have so many somatic problems, given how much trauma I've experienced and which I've never been able to express to the perpetrators. She even seemed to be familiar with the book that started all this, and said it had obviously been a bad idea to try and work through those issues alone.

She seems perfect for me, and I'm quite excited at the prospect of working with her. I firmly believe it could put an end to the pain.

She got to see what happens with the pain, because it kicked off as I got up to leave, and it was 10-15 mins before I could leave. I'm not sorry it happened, though, because it gave her an idea of what I'm dealing with.

My only problems with her are that she's on the opposite side of town to me, meaning a busy drive on roads I find very frightening. And her treatment room is up a steep flight of stairs, which I struggled to get down today. But I think she's worth fighting through those obstacles.

I'm due to 'interview' another prospective therapist tomorrow; I will still go, if only to prove that today's woman is the better choice.

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