Friday, 8 July 2011

Fobbed off

Four years. Apparently that's how long you're allowed to be sick in this country before the medical profession consigns you to the trash heap.

The pyschologist has spent the past few appointments basically trying to get me off her service. It's disguised under 'there's nothing more I can do for you', but the net result is to do everything possible to get rid of me, And that's egardless of whether the suggested alternative is appropriate - for example, trying to force me into four-hour-long group therapy sessions, when I struggle to sit for an hour and have clearly shown that a group setting is useless.

And now I discover the Pain Clinic are trying to fob me off with nurse-led appoinments, because apparently I'm too much of a lost cause to merit an actual consultant with my specialist.

They're closed today, so I can't talk to anyone, but if they think for a second that in going to stand for that, they can bloody well think again.

Just because an illness is chronic doesn't make it any less important. It doesn't make me any less worthy of help, advice or treatment.

I am sick to death of bring treated like a second class fucking citizen, just because my illness isn't sexy or exciting or life-threatening. It's life-destroying, and I have a bloody right to treatment.

Posted from Blogium for iPhone

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