The last four days have seen much higher pain levels - on top of the 20mg/day of slow release morphine, I've been having to take a quick release one every couple of hours or less. But even that hasn't eased the pain, not until enough has built up in my system to knock me out altogether. It's meant I took 55mg in total on Saturday. That's getting perilously close to the maximum 80mg a day I've ever been on.
On Sunday, in desperation, I tried taking the quick release in pairs, to see if that would help. It did, but not in a very practical way; it doesn't stop the pain, but it does quickly knock me over so I don't care how much pain I'm in.
The good thing is that it means I can leave it much longer before taking any more pills - 5 or 6 hours - but the bad thing is that I'm still completely incapacitated. I can at least rest and sleep and it means I've managed to bring the total day's dosage down to 50mg on Sunday and 45 yesterday. But I still can't work or even sit in the lounge for more than a few minutes (the chinchillas think I've left home!). I'm forced to spend my time in a drugged out haze, aware of the pain in a weird, disconnected, academic way. It's better, but it's far from a solution.
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