Thursday 30 September 2010

Helluva week...

Quite a week, and not in a good way. On Tuesday, I sat down in 'the mother ship' and noticed smoke rising from down the side of it - the heatpad for my back was on fire! Luckily I spotted it before it caught properly, but it scared the living shit out of me.

Then yesterday, I got out of the car to go across the carpark into a pub - only a few yards, so didn't seem necessary to take my stick, but as I walked away, the pain exploded. Had nothing to lean on, so tried to get back in the car in a hurry because in so much pain couldn't stand up. Wrenched the door open at the same time as falling into the car - and split my lip wide open on the top of the door. Blood everywhere, nearly knocked myself out, and have no idea how I didn't lose a tooth, Face all swollen today, can hardly speak or eat, certainly can't smile, but then again, have no desire to.

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