Saturday, 21 May 2011

Could be worse

I know it's a mistake to say this out loud because it will jinx it, but physically I haven't felt too bad so far today.

I've only taken one quick release morphine pill (yesterday I was an hour shy of numbers 5 and 6 by this time), the pain is bearable and the neck pressure is causing only a small headache. I do still have that numbness all down my right thigh, which is a bit disconcerting, and I'm having to wear the sling because my shoulder is too bad without it.

Compared to yesterday though, that's all pretty good. Mood-wise, things aren't so great - I've been feeling pretty fragile and on the verge of tears all day. That might be down to yesterday's shrink appointment, or it could just be how I'm feeling.

9.30pm. Today has been the best pain day for several months. I haven't done anything to test it, but I've only taken three quick release morphine pills, and that's with having halved the overnight slow release dosage. So my total morphine intake today has been just 35mg, compared to 90mg a few days ago. I hope it can continue, but who knows.

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