Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Why worry?

What really is the point of worrying about rising morphine levels?

I don't envisage a post-morphine era. It's not like I'm looking ahead to a time when I can come off it again. It's not like a see a future of any sort.

Surely it makes more sense to take whatever I need in order to be comfortable - as close to pain-free as is possible. And when I reach the point where they won't give me enough for that any more, or it simply stops working, then I end it.

At least that way, I could have a bit of time in some relief. Of course, I still wouldn't be able to work because the morphine causes depression, so that would rise in direct proportion to the pain relief.

Which is better then - being debilitated by pain plus depression, or having less pain but still being debilitated by depression of a higher level?

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