As a result, I haven't needed any quick release since tea-time. I feel pleasantly stoned, and more importantly the pain has gone down. I'll be taking the sleeping pill shortly (I don't want to take it too close to the 10pm Lofepramine, in case they interact).
Also, for the first time in three months, I've found myself wishing I could go back to work. It's since my doze this afternoon. I've been feeling stable, low pain and not so exhausted. And I've quite fancied the idea of doing some work.
Wouldn't it be incredible if the key to navigating the current levels of pain and depression were something as simple as getting enough sleep!
I remember when I first started one of the anti-seizure drugs they tried for the pain (either Gabapentin, or Pregabalin, Son of Gabapentin) - for the first few weeks it made me sleep all the time and the pain levels dropped dramatically. Unfortunately, it didn't last, but I remember the pain consultant agreeing that the right amount and kind of sleep can be central to managing pain. I'm sure the same must go for depression.
Please let this be an ongoing feature, not just a blip to tease me with.
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