With all the terrible things that happen in the world - war, murder, genocide, earthquake, volcano, tsunami, domestic violence, child abuse and god knows what else, why is it necessary to create disaster movies?
Is there really not enough horror in the world, that we feel we have to create it for 'entertainment'? What kind of a society are we, that we get our jollies watching innocent people go through hell?
I know it's supposed to be about escapism. It's people overcoming adversity, surviving against the odds, doing things they never thought they could, and so on, but there are people out in the real world who do that, and more, every day.
If we want to look up to someone for their resilience or ingenuity, we shouldn't be looking at the box in the corner of the lounge, we should be looking at each other.
There's now even a programme based around therapy sessions, for god's sake. As someone who has worked through endless incredibly difficult and traumatic therapy sessions, in order to resolve deep-seated problems, the last thing I want to do is to see the process trivialised for the edification of brainless viewers.
Posted from Blogium for iPhone
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