Sunday, 14 August 2011

Pain has been extremely bad this afternoon, I expect because of yesterday.

I slept well last night, though had to take two top-up pills at 1am. I was OK this morning, and my sister and I went out to buy her a few bits for her new house. After an hour, though, I was feeling incredibly tired and in some pain. Unfortunately, that was just the start.

We came home and I went straight to bed. The pain built steadily. I could feel where this was going, so I took three top-ups to try and head it off, but it just kept getting worse. The 2.30pm slow release gave those earlier ones a boost, but two hours later I was still unable to sit up because of the pain. I took another two top-ups and was finally able to get up at 6.

It all still felt very fragile though, so when it came to the evening slow release, I not only doubled the basic dose - I tripled it. The objective, of course, was to avoid any further top-ups, having already taken a total of seven since midnight.

That 7.30 dose left me feeling completely stoned, of course, but at least the pain feels distant enough that I can ignore it.

10.15. I'm still so stoned, I can't keep my eyes open, but the pain is already blasting through. I can't catch my breath. It's a good job I'm already lying down. Will have to increase the last dose to 30 too, but it'll take an hour to kick in and I don't know if I'll make it through that without topping-up. Swimming yesterday was a really, really bad idea.

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