Thursday, 4 August 2011

Shoulder pain is evil today.

I didn't wake up till 8am, so the timing of the pills is all over the place. I've taken the right amount, but it's not helping; I've taken two top-up pills and they're not helping. I can take some more in about half an hour.

I'm lying in bed, breathing very shallowly because if I breathe properly, the pain kills. My left leg is numb. It must be from how I'm lying, but I lie this way all the time.

God how many pills is it going to take today to make the pain go away.

2.30. Took three top-up pills an hour ago - pain is now bearable as long as I don't try to move. Feel very stoned. Could happily take another couple and go to sleep. Am lying here fantasising about suicide. The book doesn't work, the pain never stops and I woke myself up last night screaming in terror. My head is full of horrors and my body is broken.

Posted from Blogium for iPhone

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